3 to 6 Months 1:1 Quantum Leadership Program

Embodied Self-Mastery

Imagine that your deepest desires aren’t fleeting cravings, but sacred whispers from the Divine, guiding you to fulfill God’s perfect plan. Let me show you how to listen, align, and manifest these desires effortlessly.


This Months Quantum Leadership program is an accelerated evolutionary mentorship opportunity for aligned souls feeling a deep calling to up-leveling their existence by receiving unique support and guidance. I am here to support you to your own Embodied Self-Mastery.

This program offers a holistic journey of elevation and growth for individuals deeply committed to their spiritual development and personal evolution. It provides a pathway to tap into the quantum realm and acquire the skills to shape your own reality, in alignment with your own personal desires.

This is a unique opportunity for you to empower yourself, as well as tapping into the ever present stream of divine synchronicities and alignment which is here for you to merge with at all times.

This mentorship is for you:

if you know that you are truly here on this planet for a special reason.

Excited to share with you how my sacred codes that transformed my life:

  • From anxiety and feeling stuck in limiting beliefs, to co-creating effortlessly with God—aligned quantumly with the totality of existence.
  • From self-doubt to unshakable personal power and confidence.
  • From working 12+ hours a day as a healer and mentor, to becoming the CEO of my heart-centered business, traveling the world while working fewer hours yet holding space in deep alignment.
  • From battling multiple health issues to having a vibrant, intuitive body that communicates effortlessly, with a magnetizing presence that attracts abundance like I’m a walking ATM.

Your Desires Are Sacred Whispers.

Hi Love, i´m Cheyenne Chaca. 

I am a multidimensional space holder. Weaving ancient tools with the present moment for humanity to wake up and realise their own power to transform and heal.

I am a change maker here on planet earth. Dedicated to inspire and support you along your journey of growth and expansion.

There is an opportunity to shift into a balanced state of being, where challenges on our divine path are embraced as sacred gifts for growth. In this space, we learn to alchemise our shadows into light and learnings.


3 to 6 Months Quantum Leadership 1:1 program provides: 

  • Multidimensional illumination and upgrade of your entire existence.
  • Unique Quantum Coaching. 
  • Light-body upgrades and activations to raise your frequencies at all times.
  • Learning how to master the art of co-creating with the Laws of the Universe.
  • Learn how to work through challenging moment in your life and understand how to turn these unique moments into divine gifts from above.
  • Learn how to use Ormus: 5D ascension tool for your highest level of self mastery + DNA upgrades, illumination and recalibration.
  • Learn how to constantly elevate your frequency to stay aligned with your soul mission here on this planet. 
  • Multidimensional recalibration of your entire existence. 2024 Frequency Upgrades. 
  • Quantum healing and activations. 
  • Receive advanced Quantum technology tools: Learn how to activate your Column of Ascension.
  • Learn how to activate your magnitude.  
  • Learn how to access and navigate the quantum field as a tool to self mastery and universal co creation. 
  • Learn how to reach your goals with ease and grace. 
  • Learn how to recalibrate your time space and reality to create more time for rest, recalibration: enabling a divine state of receptivity. 
  • Receive energetic healing sessions using techniques and modalities like: Vortex Healing, Quantum Healing, Cord Cutting, Removal of Energy cords, Removal of emotional Hooks, Chakra Cleansing/activation, Clearing and Activations, Aura Cleansing,. Removing of entities, dark matter or other unwanted energies, and beyond. All depending on the individual.
  • 24/7 Quantum support by to assist your evolution throughout this program. 
  • Integration training: learn how to tap into your feminine essence via multidimensional rest techniques to receive and integrate teaching on a cellular level. Within this Quantum connected way of integrating wisdom you will learn new ways of upgrading your consciousness and receiving knowledge.
  • and beyond...

Within this 3 to 6 months Quantum Leadership program; Embodied Self Mastery :

1 X Healing & Activations a month

These monthly powerful healing sessions helps elevating and upgrading your DNA on a multidimensional level. 

2 X Quantum Coaching sessions a week

These distinctive coaching sessions provide you with advanced tools to elevate your frequency and accelerate your personal growth. Receive unique and advanced coaching, enabling you to reclaim your ever present embowed self
+ a variety of other resources to elevate your existence.

1 X Week of integration a month

We live in such a fast phased world where practices like rest and integration is often look at as not important. 
This is a crucial step in the act of mastering the act of being receptive. 


  • Recordings of all sessions.
  • Your own personal online portal where all recordings will be saved for you to replay and downloadat any time.
  • All online healing and activation sessions will be recorded and have the same effect and potency when replayed. Always available for you to be able to receive the healing whenever needed. 
  • A 10% discount code to purchase your Ormus bottles for the duration of the program and onwards. 
  • I always support my clients to the fullest. Therefore I am offering support via Whatsapp or Telegram if needed through out the week where I send text or voice messages if any urgent matter occours. 
  • *The constellation of the program might change depending on the needs of any given client; no individual is the same.


“Since I have been in contact and being supported by Chaca, I have a new angle looking at human existence in general and also about my personal life. She made me feel empowered as the creator of my life. I feel much more assured of myself because I know that the universe or God really wants us the best for us in ease and grace. We just have to ask for it. Chaca taught me this and I cannot do without the meditations and the ascension into my quantum field anymore.I am deeply thankful to Chaca who inspires me and takes care of my growth and understanding that I am the queen of my universe and that we all are guided supported and loved by the universe, God and all the wonderful forces around us. I feel much stronger and empowered after her healing treatments. 

Thank you 🙏🏼 dear Chaca”

Annabelle, Berlin. 30th of June 2024

“Wauw!!! thank you so so much! I can feel the glow of your elevated frequency through space, time and dimensions!! Beyond proud of you and I can feel that you are showing up like never before!!! BIG SHIFTS are ahead of you! Keep up the good work. Celebrate yourself and send me another update in 2 weeks please. I am really curious to know more about what kind of changes you are experiencing. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!”

Mellie Fliszar, Berlin Germany. 9th of May 2024.

“Cheyenne Chaca is a wonderful facilitator and a beautiful healing soul sister. I came to her at a crossroads in my life when I needed healing and to find my inner strength. She made me feel safe and seen. The group was small and intimate so that everyone had their time to sit with the medicine, one at a time. Chaca was beside each and every one of us while we were journeying, sometimes drumming, chanting, providing frequency healing or simply allowing whatever was needed as she felt into each of us individually. I had a major release of old traumas and have never been the same since. Having grappled with depression most of my life this shift was profound. I also experienced kundalini rising which was so beautiful and very powerful. Be sure to respect the guidelines for the dieta and procedures before and after the medicine as this secures that you take best care of yourself and get the most healing experience possible. I have been in three ceremonies with Chaca and each one has been different as I’ve moved through the different layers in need of shedding. Thank you, Chaca, for the important work that you do and the immense healing that you facilitate. Love you always ”

Mette, Denmark. 10th of Jan 2024.

Thank you Cheyenne Chaca for yesterday ́s ceremony, it was a divine healing experience and you held safe space like a grand master, i felt so much caring,

compassion and love, i m deeply grateful and will ask to organize another ceremony soon, I feel better than ever!
I would recommend your healing session to everybody looking to reach higher states of consciousness and balance. Thank you for your presence on earth, your devotion is a blessing to all, all come to this realization, you are guiding us towards divine states of being. Infinite gratitude, thank you.

Colin, Berlin 19th of July 2020


Supporting Your Journey with a Multidimensional Quantum Grid

Throughout the retreat, each participant will be immersed in a unique quantum grid, specifically designed to support and guide you energetically. This multidimensional grid ensures that you are held in a space of transformation, facilitating the integration of new codes and upgrades.

By embedding this grid, we provide continuous support on multiple levels, enhancing your ability to receive and process the profound shifts and insights that arise during our time together. This alignment allows you to fully engage with the transformative energies of the retreat and integrate them seamlessly into your being.


Use Ormus as a golden key to open yourself up to an effortless flow of divine synchronicities where your alignment is the default tapestry of your journey here on earth.

I alchemise my own Ormus elixir in Bali.

I use Ormus as a tool of transformation and illumination within my mentorship programs.

For more information about Ormus: CLICK HERE!

For the highest of evolution.

Let´s jump on a call and have a heart to heart conversation, enabling us to tune into each others frequencies. 

Book a call